Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Craft your arguments!

We've spent some time thinking about the debate questions (should minors have to notify their parents in order to receive sexual health services), and we've also done some research and found some sources on both sides of the issue.

Now, we're going to use ethos, pathos, and logos to create our arguments on both sides.

You received a debate organizer in your HERO email, use that to organize information from the resources you and your peers have found and craft your arguments.

Here are the links to the sources that you found so far this year:

Arguments in favor of parental notification

Arguments against parental notification

Here are links to resources that my class last year found:

Arguments in favor (2015)

Rhetoric in favor (2015)

Arguments against (2015)

Rhetoric against (2015)

Finally, here are links to resources from my class two years ago:

Arguments in favor (2014)

Rhetoric in favor (2014)

Arguments against (2014)

Rhetoric against (2014)